Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)

Completed Projects

Listed by project completion date. You can also view these projects alphabetically.


  • Quality Measures for Skilled Nursing Care in Rural Swing Beds: What Works and What Doesn't?
    This project provided a systematic review of skilled nursing facility quality measures and how these measures apply to skilled nursing facility-level care provided in rural swing beds in both critical access hospitals and prospective payment system hospitals.
    Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Long-term care, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)


  • Hospital Readmission Following Care in a Swing Bed
    This study built on our portfolio of swing bed work by examining the rate of hospital readmission for patients who receive post-acute care in swing beds compared to skilled nursing facilities and informed the discussion on use, cost, and benefit of swing bed care.
    Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Medicare, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS), Post-acute care, Quality
  • The Availability of Optional Benefits in Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans in Rural and Urban Areas and the Implications for MA Payment Policy
    Enrollment and landscape files containing data regarding Medicare Advantage plan activities by county were used to describe the geographic differences in what is available to beneficiaries in benefit design and total out-of-pocket liability. Findings revealed potential for policy actions to address equity of benefits and cost to beneficiaries.
    Research center: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Topics: Medicare, Medicare Advantage (MA), Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)


  • Impact of Capping Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments on Rural Hospitals
    Rural hospitals receiving Medicare prospective payment system payment and receiving disproportionate share hospital payments are subject to a 12% cap on those payments. This project provided information on the number and location of rural hospitals subject to this cap and the fiscal impact.
    Research center: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
    Topics: Healthcare financing, Medicare, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)


  • The Financial and Community Experience of Sole Community Hospitals in Comparison to Other Rural Hospitals
    This research will investigate the financial and community experience of Sole Community Hospitals (SCHs) in comparison with other rural hospitals. The availability of alternative facilities, and the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of SCH service areas will be compared to other rural hospital service areas.
    Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Medicare, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS), Rural statistics and demographics


  • What Would be the Financial Consequence of Eliminating Low Volume Hospital Payments?
    Analysis will include comparison of the long-term profitability of low-volume hospitals to other rural hospitals and estimation of the potential profitability consequences of eliminating the payment classification altogether.
    Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Medicare, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)


  • Comprehensive Study of Swing Bed Use in Rural Hospitals
    This project will comprehensively address questions about how swing beds are used by rural hospitals. Questions to be answered include whether decision about use are driven by patient need, community resources, hospital operational concerns or some combination of these factors; the cost implications of swing bed use in critical access hospitals to the Medicare program; and whether patients served in swing beds differ in meaningful ways from those in skilled nursing facilities.
    Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Medicare, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)


  • Community and Financial Experience of Medicare Dependent Hospitals in Comparison to Other Rural Hospitals
    This research will investigate the community and financial experience of Medicare Dependent Hospitals (MDHs) in comparison with other rural hospitals. Analysis of the financial experience will include comparison of the long-term profitability of MDHs to other rural hospitals, estimation of the potential profitability consequences of eliminating the payment classification, and estimation of the potential consequences of maintaining the payment classification but failing to update the base year from which costs are trended forward.
    Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Medicare, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)


  • Occupational Mix Differences Across PPS Hospitals: Analysis of Hospital Occupation Mix Survey Data and Implications for Rural Hospital Payments
    This study addresses the occupation-mix adjustment that has recently been added to the computation of the area wage index used to adjust Medicare prospective rates for all institutional healthcare providers. The study will review the policy objectives as well as the mechanics of the adjustment, and then analyze the data from the most recent occupation-mix survey to obtain a better understanding of occupation mix differences across labor markets and hospital types.
    Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS), Workforce
  • Rapid Response: Elimination of Bad Debt Payments to Rural PPS Hospitals
    The purpose of this project is to examine: (1) the extent to which elimination of Medicare Bad Debt payments will reduce reimbursement to rural prospective payment system (PPS) hospitals and (2) how rural hospitals would respond to this reduction in reimbursement.
    Research center: NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
    Topics: Healthcare financing, Hospitals and clinics, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)


  • Financial Performance of Critical Access Hospitals, Pre- and Post-Conversion
    Making use of the financial indicators developed by project staff, the focus of this project is a longitudinal analysis of the dimensions and indicators of financial performance. Descriptive analyses are used to capture changes in all dimensions of financial performance pre- and post-conversion.
    Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Topics: Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Healthcare financing, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS), Rural Hospital Flexibility Program


  • Impact of the Home Health PPS on Access in Rural America
    This study is designed to help policymakers understand whether patterns of home care use in rural communities have been affected by the PPS. Analyses will provide information on the characteristics of the patients served, the number and mix of services rendered, and quality of care.
    Research center: NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
    Topics: Home health, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)
  • Medicare Beneficiary Outcomes in Rural and Urban Home Health Agencies
    This study will compare the performance of rural and urban home care agencies, and identify agency characteristics that contribute to better patient care outcomes.
    Research center: NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
    Topics: Home health, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS), Quality
  • Trends in Swing Bed and Skilled Nursing Facility Use in Rural Hospitals, 1996-2003
    This study will examine trends in the distribution of skilled nursing facility (SNF) services in rural hospitals during a period of dramatic change in Medicare reimbursement, most notably the transition from cost-based reimbursement to SNF prospective payment system (PPS).
    Research center: North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center
    Topics: Aging, Hospitals and clinics, Long-term care, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)