Rural Health Research Centers and Analysis Initiatives
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) currently funds Rural Health Research Centers and Rural Health Policy Analysis Initiatives, located throughout the nation. In previous funding cycles, FORHP has also funded individual researchers and other research centers. All research of these designated centers is conducted on a national scale. See projects currently in progress by all centers.

Current Research Centers & Areas of Expertise
Maine Rural Health Research Center
Emergency medical services and trauma, Health reform, Hospitals and clinics, Long-term care, Medicaid and CHIP, Mental and behavioral health, Rural Health Clinics, Substance use and treatment, Uninsured and underinsured
Emergency medical services and trauma, Health reform, Hospitals and clinics, Long-term care, Medicaid and CHIP, Mental and behavioral health, Rural Health Clinics, Substance use and treatment, Uninsured and underinsured
North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis
Health policy, Health care financing, Hospital closures, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare, Rural Emergency Hospitals
Health policy, Health care financing, Hospital closures, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare, Rural Emergency Hospitals
RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
Health reform, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare payment, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Pharmacy and prescription drugs, Private health insurance
Health reform, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare payment, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Pharmacy and prescription drugs, Private health insurance
Rural and Underserved Health Research Center
Black lung disease, Emergency medical services and trauma, Mental and behavioral health, Pharmacy and prescription drugs, Primary care, Substance use and treatment, Suicide
Black lung disease, Emergency medical services and trauma, Mental and behavioral health, Pharmacy and prescription drugs, Primary care, Substance use and treatment, Suicide
ETSU/NORC Rural Health Research Center
Adverse childhood experiences, Aging, Behavioral health, Children and adolescents, Disability, Health disparities and health equity, Health care access, Health care financing, Maternal health, Public health, Social determinants of health, Substance use and treatment
Adverse childhood experiences, Aging, Behavioral health, Children and adolescents, Disability, Health disparities and health equity, Health care access, Health care financing, Maternal health, Public health, Social determinants of health, Substance use and treatment
Rural and Minority Health Research Center
Children and adolescents, Health care access, Health disparities and health equity, Maternal and child health, Minority health, Social determinants of health
Children and adolescents, Health care access, Health disparities and health equity, Maternal and child health, Minority health, Social determinants of health
Southwest Rural Health Research Center
Burden of chronic diseases, Health disparities, Health equity, Health law and ethics issues, Women's health, Public health workforce, Substance use and treatment, Health systems evaluation, Vaccine uptake, Cancer screening outreach
Burden of chronic diseases, Health disparities, Health equity, Health law and ethics issues, Women's health, Public health workforce, Substance use and treatment, Health systems evaluation, Vaccine uptake, Cancer screening outreach
University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
Aging, Disabilities, Health disparities and health equity, Health care access, Maternal health, Perinatal care, Quality, Quality measurement and improvement, Social determinants of health, Women's health
Aging, Disabilities, Health disparities and health equity, Health care access, Maternal health, Perinatal care, Quality, Quality measurement and improvement, Social determinants of health, Women's health
WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
Allied health professionals, Cancer, Emergency medical services and trauma, Health services, Health care access, Home health, International medical graduates, Mental and behavioral health, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Opioid use disorder and treatment, Oral health, Physician assistants, Physicians, Primary care, Post-acute care, Substance use and treatment, Workforce
Allied health professionals, Cancer, Emergency medical services and trauma, Health services, Health care access, Home health, International medical graduates, Mental and behavioral health, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Opioid use disorder and treatment, Oral health, Physician assistants, Physicians, Primary care, Post-acute care, Substance use and treatment, Workforce
Policy and Research Analysis Initiatives
Center for Economic Analysis of Rural Health
Economic analysis, Emergency medical services, Health care access, Hospital closures, Rural statistics and demographics, Transportation, Workforce
Economic analysis, Emergency medical services, Health care access, Hospital closures, Rural statistics and demographics, Transportation, Workforce
Rapid Response to Requests for Rural Data Analysis
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Health care financing, Health care insurance, Health services, Hospitals and clinics, Medicare
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Health care financing, Health care insurance, Health services, Hospitals and clinics, Medicare