Inpatient Treatment Costs Associated with Substance Use Disorders

Research center:
Lead researcher:
Project funded:
September 2020
Project completed:
April 2023

Multivariate models were used to explore the inpatient hospital resource costs associated with treatment for substance use disorders (SUD) for rural versus urban populations; how inpatient hospital resource costs vary by patient, market, and hospital characteristics; and whether length-of-stay (LOS), a major correlate of the resource cost of inpatient stays, differs between rural residents compared to urban residents.

Results focused on the direction and size of the SUD-related indicator variables and interactions with the rurality measures. In addition, whether rurality is associated with cost and LOS, after controlling for hospital characteristics, resource measures, and sociodemographic factors, were studied. Finally, results were used to generate predictions for future trends of SUD treatment, allowing rural decision-makers to plan for future resource needs as SUD mortality and morbidity patterns change over time, including changes in rates of opioid and methamphetamine use disorders.
