Elizabeth Crouch, PhD

Co-Director, Rural and Minority Health Research Center

Phone: 803.576.6055
Email: crouchel@mailbox.sc.edu

Health Services Policy and Management
University of South Carolina

Current Projects - (9)

  • Changes in Medicare Fee-for-Services Health Care Expenditures in Rural and Urban Communities after Passage of the Affordable Care Act
    This project will assess changes in Medicare per-beneficiary spending across rural and urban counties from 2007 to 2020. It will examine differences in rural versus urban per-beneficiary spending on hospital inpatient, hospital outpatient, physician, and post-acute care after the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Care management, Chronic diseases and conditions, Health services, Hospitals and clinics, Public health
  • Identifying High-Need Counties for Resource Planning
    The primary aim of this project is to use data examining health care infrastructure, chronic disease prevalence, and the socioeconomic environment to create a metric for classifying rural counties based on needs and resources.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Healthcare access, Maternal health, Obesity, Oral health, Physicians, Poverty, Public health, Rural statistics and demographics, Social determinants of health, Uninsured and underinsured, Workforce
  • Oral Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes of Rural and Urban Medicaid-Insured Children in the United States
    Using nationally representative Medicaid claims data, this project will determine rural-urban differences in the prevalence of early childhood caries, preventative dental visits, and restorative dental visits.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Medicaid and CHIP, Oral health, Rural statistics and demographics
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Addressable Drivers of Staff Turnover in Skilled Nursing Facilities
    The aim of the proposed study is to assess facility-level turnover rates for total nursing and registered nursing personnel across levels of rurality and by region looking at factors such as staffing ratios that can be managed by facility administrators.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Health services, Hospitals and clinics, Nurses and nurse practitioners, Public health, Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), Workforce
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Emergency Department Utilization and Costs for Dental Conditions
    Emergency Department (ED) Utilization is a de facto provider for untreated dental issues. Understanding rural-urban differences in ED use for dental conditions in recent years is essential to inform federal, state, and community-level dental health initiatives such as preventive dental care, tele-dentistry infrastructure expansion, and oral hygiene practices. Ongoing national efforts addressing rural disparities in dental care should target individuals most at risk for missing preventive care and utilizing the ED for dental care.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma, Oral health
  • Rural-Urban Disparities in Mental Health Access and Quality in the United States
    The purpose of this project is to document the recent trends of mental health care access and quality in urban and rural communities and to assess the intersectionality of residence rurality and race/ethnicity on disparities in mental health care access and quality.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Healthcare access, Mental and behavioral health
  • Spatial Distribution of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Need and Care
    The incidence of HIV is disproportionately high in rural areas, but these communities often lack access to evidence-based interventions to prevent new HIV diagnoses such as PrEP. Using Medicaid claims data and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Provider file, this study will determine geographic disparities (by rurality and region) in the need for PrEP and PrEP availability and identify whether PrEP availability meets the needs across geography.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topic: Pharmacy and prescription drugs
  • State-Level Medicaid Bundled Payments and Rural Perinatal Care
    The impacts of state-level Medicaid bundled payment models will depend on many factors, such as maternity care facility structure, scope of services, and local patient bypassing behaviors during prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum periods. For rural providers who often offer prenatal and postpartum care but not labor and delivery services, these bundled payments may impose additional financial and logistical challenges.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Maternal health, Medicaid and CHIP
  • The Rural Landscape of Diabetes in the United States
    Rural-urban differences in diabetes and diabetes management may be attributed to socioeconomic differences and treatment available to rural residents. Using data from 2021-2023 National Health Interview Survey, this study will examine 1) rural-urban differences in diabetes and prediabetes incidence and prevalences, 2) rural-urban differences in the management, treatment, and complications associated with diabetes, and co-occurring risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Using data from the 2021 and 2022 CDC WONDER, we will also report diabetes mortality differences by rurality and race/ethnicity.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Diabetes, Healthcare access, Hispanics, Minority health, Rural statistics and demographics

Completed Projects - (8)

  • Assessing Geographic Variability in Key Indicators of Water Quality and Air Quality: A Comparison of Urban vs. Rural Communities
    The purpose of this project was to compare air and water quality indicators across U.S. Census tracts specifically focusing on rural vs. urban differences.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Environmental and agricultural health, Public health, Social determinants of health
  • Availability and Quality of Dialysis in Rural Counties with a High Diabetes Burden
    This project examined the degree to which counties with a high population risk for end stage renal disease, defined by high diabetes prevalence, are served by dialysis providers. It assessed the accessibility and quality of services for end stage renal disease looking for disparities associated with rural residence and racial/ethnic population composition.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Diabetes, Health services, Public health, Quality
  • Availability of Diabetes Self-Management Education in High Need Rural Counties
    This project examined the degree to which counties with a high need for diabetes education, defined by high diabetes prevalence, have such education available. Findings were linked to a related study that examined the availability of dialysis for end stage renal disease, a severe outcome of poorly addressed diabetes.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Diabetes, Health services
  • Examining Rural-Urban Differences in Availability of Hospital Cardiac Testing Services Between 2010-2020
    This project will examine whether the availability of hospital-based cardiac testing services has changed over the past ten years in rural and urban counties and identify the characteristics of counties where service availability has changed.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Care management, Chronic diseases and conditions, Health services, Hospitals and clinics, Public health
  • Promotion of Rural Health Research Center Attendance at Cancer-Related Meetings
    This project will promote attendance at cancer-related meetings by Rural Health Research Centers by facilitating the dissemination of information regarding important cancer meetings and handling the travel arrangements for Rural Health Research Center personnel.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Cancer, Minority health
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences: Results from the National Survey of Children's Health
    Using the 2016-2018 National Survey of Children's Health, the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and positive childhood experiences (PCEs) exposure in all 50 states and the District of Columbia were examined and whether ACE and PCE exposure differed between rural and urban residents, by type, by count, and by racial/ethnic group.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Children and adolescents, Hispanics, Minority health, Social determinants of health
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Child and Adolescent Mental Health pre and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    This project examined rural-urban differences in the prevalence and severity of anxiety and depression among children and adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as examined rural-urban differences in access to mental health care professionals and the receipt of care from a mental health professional before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Children and adolescents, Health services, Mental and behavioral health, Minority health
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Three Domains of Access to Health Care Services
    This study proposed to leverage 2018 and 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data to examine rural-urban and racial/ethnic differences within rural in three domains of access to health care services (affordability, accommodation, and acceptability) that are less frequently examined in population-based surveys.
    Research center: Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Topics: Healthcare access, Minority health

Publications - (51)






  • A National Survey of RN-to-BSN Programs: Are They Reaching Rural Students?
    Journal Article
    Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Date: 10/2020
    This study used a national survey of RN-to-BSN programs to better understand their potential role in addressing disparities in BSN-prepared nurses in rural and urban areas. The results are needed to inform policymakers and stakeholders who are responsible for addressing the status and needs of nursing education.
  • Factors Associated With Perceived Job Preparedness Among RNs: Results From a National Survey
    Journal Article
    Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Date: 05/2020
    This article examines perceived job preparedness by demographic and professional characteristics among practicing registered nurses who completed a national survey. Rural and male nurses felt less prepared for nursing practice and may benefit from tailored educational experiences to improve perceptions of being prepared for the workforce.
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Educational Attainment Among Registered Nurses: Implications for Achieving an 80% BSN Workforce
    Journal Article
    Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Date: 05/2020
    Our primary objective was to provide updated information on rural-urban differences in educational attainment. We also examined rural-urban differences in employment type, salary, and demographics among registered nurses in different practice settings.
  • Travel Grant Program 2018-2019
    Fact Sheet
    Rural and Minority Health Research Center
    Date: 01/2020
    This project promoted attendance at cancer-related meetings by Rural Health Research Centers by facilitating the dissemination of information regarding important cancer meetings and handling the travel arrangements for Rural Health Research Center personnel.