Jane Bolin, PhD, JD, RN

Deputy Director, Southwest Rural Health Research Center

Phone: 979.436.0137
Fax: 979.436.9598
Email: janebolin@tamu.edu

Healthy Policy & Management Department
Texas A&M University
School of Public Health
TAMU 1266
College Station, TX 77843-1266

Completed Projects - (6)

  • Chronic Disease Management in Rural Areas: Examination of Medicare and Medicaid Managed Care Programs
    The goal of this project was to advance knowledge of the use of disease management (DM) to address chronic conditions among rural populations, analyzing information from participating health plans and providers about special challenges and effective strategies in DM initiatives targeting rural populations.
    Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare
  • How Well are We Doing Meeting Healthy People 2020 Mortality Objectives at Midterm? Rural v. Urban Differences
    The purpose of this project was to conduct a midterm examination of urban versus rural disparities in meeting Healthy People 2020 mortality objectives for the top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. utilizing existing secondary databases.
    Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Topic: Chronic diseases and conditions
  • Quality Measures for Skilled Nursing Care in Rural Swing Beds: What Works and What Doesn't?
    This project provided a systematic review of skilled nursing facility quality measures and how these measures apply to skilled nursing facility-level care provided in rural swing beds in both critical access hospitals and prospective payment system hospitals.
    Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Hospitals and clinics, Long-term care, Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS)
  • Rural/Urban Differences in Chronic Diseases and Delay of Needed Care
    This project examined rural versus urban differences in the prevalence, incidence, stage, and severity of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and selected cancers. There was a focus on delayed access to needed care and whether rural residents present later and with more advanced disease states.
    Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Cancer, Chronic diseases and conditions
  • The Burden of Diabetes in Rural America
    The purpose of this project was to determine rural versus urban differences in type 2 diabetes prevalence, morbidity and mortality in the U.S. Diabetes complications, disparities and associated demographics were reported. A comparison of Mexican-American border versus non-border states was also included.
    Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Topics: Chronic diseases and conditions, Diabetes, Minority health
  • Use and Effect on Patients of Disease Management in Rural Areas
    Research center: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Topic: Health services

Publications - (23)






  • Cancer Mortality in Rural America: 1999-2016
    Policy Brief
    Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 11/2018
    This policy brief details the differences in mortality from cancer at various levels of rurality in America. The primary aim of this study was to understand the scope of cancer mortality in urban and rural areas of the U.S. Common cancer types—breast, cervical, lung, prostate, and colon—were analyzed over an 18-year period from 1999-2016.
  • Individual- and County-Level Predictors of Cervical Cancer Screening: A Multi-Level Analysis
    Journal Article
    Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 05/2018
    Despite gains in cervical cancer screening, persistent socio-economic, geographical, racial, and ethnic disparities remain. The objective of this study was to examine the combined effect of individual- and county-level characteristics on the use of cervical cancer screening tests such as Papanicolaou (Pap) tests in Texas.
  • Diabetes-Related Hospital Mortality in Rural America: A Significant Cause for Concern
    Policy Brief
    Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 03/2018
    This brief is the third in a series prepared by the Southwest Rural Health Research Center on the topic of diabetes. The aim of this study was to examine trends and rates of diabetes-related deaths for persons hospitalized in the U.S., with emphasis on differences across the urban-rural continuum and across census regions.




  • Chronic Disease Management in Rural Areas
    Southwest Rural Health Research Center
    Date: 05/2004
    This article describes a study of six chronic disease management programs throughout the United States. It discusses issues related to chronic disease management in rural areas.