Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening: Is It Reaching Rural and Rural Minority Women?

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Examines whether the Texas Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) is reaching rural women in general and rural minority women in particular. Findings indicate that Hispanic women, both in rural and non-rural, are over-represented among BCCCP clients as compared to race/ethnicity specific cancer incidence and mortality. In contrast, within race/ethnicity groups, Anglo women represent a higher proportion of the rural women being reached by the program. Findings also indicate that a severe shortage of local providers to contract with the program in rural Texas has been and will continue to be a major limitation. In addition, contracting requirements can be a burden and an obstacle to potential providers. Concludes that there is a need in Texas to target specific rural areas based on the incidence and mortality experience of the population. To accomplish this, the contracting process needs to be made more flexible to enable small providers, reimbursement rates may need to be raised, and administrative burdens may need to be lessened. Report available by contacting the Center.

Southwest Rural Health Research Center