Medicaid and CHIP
Research Findings
View publications, including policy briefs, working papers, and journal articles, on Medicaid and CHIP:
View one-page summary Recaps of key findings from the Rural Health Research Centers on Medicaid and CHIP:
- Healthcare Access and Status Among Rural Children
Date: 08/2019
More than half (56.6%) of all rural counties in the U.S. do not have a pediatrician, which can have a negative effect on the health status of rural children. This Recap provides a summary of the research on pediatric health status, health outcomes, and access to care in rural areas. - Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage Among Rural Children
Date: 08/2019
This resource examines pediatric insurance coverage, poverty rates, and Medicaid enrollment by race/ethnicity in rural and urban communities. The Recap also presents a summary of the research on the impact of coverage on rural access to care.
Access information on upcoming or archived webinars on Medicaid and CHIP.
- Northern Border Regional Commission State and Region Chartbooks: A Health-Focused Landscape Analysis
Projects on this Topic
Learn more about the research questions guiding each study, the lead researcher for each, and when the Research Center anticipates releasing completed product(s) under each project.
- Currently, there are 9 research projects underway to explore this issue.
- In the past, 42 research projects have been completed on Medicaid and CHIP.